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Working out is like air to breath for many people.  But for most of the population it is really hard to maintain a routine of exercise.

This research laid out the foundations for a product that would make it easier for people to stick with the scheduled exercise program and to get real feedback of their achievements. 

A point of focus would also be a deep understanding of peoples motivation for exercise and the potential of a system that knows to reflect the trainer how they feel. 





UX design as part of design team 

Full semester


User Interviews,  Competitor Research, Contextual Research, Online Research, Digital & Physical Observations, Experience Mapping, User Flow, Prototyping 


 M.Des.  Master Of Design program

Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design


Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you | Meaghan Ramsey

The surprising impacts of low body and image confidence—from lower grade point averages to greater risk-taking with drugs and alcohol.

A training program that is personalized by analyzing user photos using a Generative Model AI.

The program will be designed to give motivation to the user based on real improvement of the body appearance as an intelligent tool to improve self confidence.



Many machine learning systems look at some kind of complicated input (say, an image) and produce a simple output (a label like, "cat"). By contrast, the goal of a generative model is something like the opposite: take a small piece of input—perhaps a few random numbers—and produce a complex output, like an image of a realistic-looking face. A generative adversarial network (GAN) is an especially effective type of generative model, introduced only a few years ago, which has been a subject of intense interest in the machine learning community.

You might wonder why we want a system that produces realistic images, or plausible simulations of any other kind of data. Besides the intrinsic intellectual challenge, this turns out to be a surprisingly handy tool, with applications ranging from art to enhancing blurry images.

An endless cycle of Generated imaginary faces. 


Many people who seek to keep a healthy lifestyle  and mental stability, exercise regularly.

In particular, people who suffer from low confident and think less of their body image, make up for it with exercise. 


With the improvement in appearance and the strength of the body that comes with exercise, people's self-esteem and body image are becoming more and more positive.

With the use of GAN and AI, it would be possible to monitor  physical improvements of the body.

With the Data collected there could be a way to know much more of the changes in self-esteem and body image.

It would be possible to better fit a personalized training program to each indevidual 

Developing a mobile app for amateur athletes that would track their physical and mental development. 

The app would gather data and use a generative and AI system to personalize a training program that would help users to improve their body image and their self confidence.


From the Nike Running App. 

A study of the most popular apps in the market.


Multiple approaches for a fitness lifestyle

Persona:  Amateur trainee

This user can be found at the gym once or twice a week.

He is exercising only when he has a window in his schedule and doesn't plan ahead.

Training program:  Generic. given by the gym staff

NAME: Ohad 

AGE: 32


Persona:  Exercises regularly

A serious trainee who works out almost every day.

Exercise for the body and soul is an integral part of her life and her whole daily schedule is planned around exercise. 

Training program:  Self assembled and managed 

NAME: Livnat

AGE: 30



Ohad looks at exercise as a burden that he must maintain in order to stay fit and to look good.  He does say that exercise does makes him feel good beside his external look.


A big issue for him is how had it is to maintain a routine and get the motivation.

He also wishes he had more help from an outer source to remind and nag him to go to the gym. 


Livnat takes exercise as a way of life in the full sense of the word.  Its like air to breath for her. 

She describes a deep relationship with exercise and diet. she likes to work out and also to eat, and she always looking for the balance between the two.


Motivation is for from being an issue for her. Livnat is exercising to live and does it every where she goes.  Her needs would be focused more on maintaining and monitoring her mental state. 



Motivation and Approach


There's a true need for empathy between trainees 

Appearance can be used as a measurement tool for aspects of the spirit and mental health 

There is a connection between body image and the efficiency of the workout

Many motivation for training are mental, not physical

Exertainment  -  Make working out an experience beyond 

There's a true need to share ones achievements in social media

Feeling as part of a community helps trainees persist

Screens - Operational flow



Screens - First time flow

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